ABE Paving and Seal Coating
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Crack Filling/ Repair 
Crack filling is done by applying either hot or cold rubberized crack filler. This helps to prevent water form getting into the cracks and creating further problems. So while you will see the crack filler on the surface, it is helping to stop further damage and prolong the life of the asphalt. This is a temporary fix for your asphalt.  

Hot crack filling of blacktop is done by first using an air compressor with 200 PSI of air to blow out dirt and debris from the cracks. Then we fill the cracks with hot, rubberized crack filler from our of our 300 gallon state of the art crack rig. We squeegee the crack filler into the cracks until they are full and then we apply black beauty sand or a detack product to the surface to prevent sticking.